The Giardia lamblia parasites usually are to be found in the intestines and the urinary tract of humans. They inflict severe damage. Who would think of testing for this parasite a young man suffering from high blood pressure? Or a seven-year-old girl affected by massive weeping eczema all around her body? A four-year old boy with bedwetting or ten-year-old girl who every month has rhinitis and vaginal discharge? Well, we would! And we did find, in all of those cases sever infestation with the unicellular parasite Giardia intestinalis.
Giardiasis (or Lambliasis)
Giardiasis (or Lambliasis) is often described as asymptomatic, since conventional medicine seldom connects the presence of the parasite in the small intestines of the patient with the possible complaints of the latter related to persistent rhinitis. However, integrative medicine for centuries has known that if one mucosa suffers, so do all the rest. The simple reason is that all mucosas in the body have a common origin during the period of fetal formation. It but suffices to assume that all mucosas are interrelated and even in the case of ‘minor ailments’ such as allergies, food intolerance, chronic sinusitis, and other problems related to the mucous membranes, the small and big intestines must be cleansed. This has been the practice for centuries in China. This too has been the practice among our great-great-great ancestors who used herbs to heal diseases.
What does conventional medicine tell us about Giardiasis? This is the disease of dirty hands but also of contaminated food and the fruit that had a fly just before you ate it.
Giardia lamblia face
What does the parasite look like? Giardia lamblia is a parasitic flagellated eukaryote hosted by humans and all warm-blooded animals. It is a single-cell organism and its body looks like a small face, with two eyes of nuclei, flagella, adhesive disk for attachment and more fibers that, under a microscope, give it that appalling appearance reminiscent of the mythical Gorgon Medusa.

Lambia intestinalis comes in two forms – a motile trophozoite with two nuclei and a dormant cyst with four nuclei that has the ability to survive outside the live host.
Giardia lamblia infection
Infestation happens with ingestion of parasitic cysts present in water or food. Once they land a host, they wake up in the small intestines, get attached to cells of the mucous membrane and start reproducing by means of asexual replication. In the big intestine, some of the motile trophozoites make the transition to a cyst able to survive around three months in the environment and in cold water. Then the cycle starts anew.

Giardia lamblia is anaerobic and feeds on glucose. It is proven that the parasite destroys the enzymes for digestion of disaccharides. This affects the metabolism and normal gut flora. The parasites also secrete proteolytic enzymes that damage the microvilli of intestines, cause inflammation in the endothelium and bring about abnormal permeability of the intestinal walls. The parasites consume the amino acid arginine too. This leads to decreased production of nitric oxide and to increased apoptosis. Low-carb diet works well in reducing the population of parasites.

One third of affected humans have gastrointestinal complaints, with bloating, diarrhea, and vomiting. Most cases however remain with no symptoms, yet the damages are there. The medical literature focuses on the problems with the gastrointestinal system, as the parasites remain confined to the guts and do not get to the blood. Our observations show that toxic substances do penetrate the blood causing serious damages to the kidneys, the liver, the genitals, the hormonal system and the skin. In Dr. Nadezhda Grigorova’s book Alternative Medicine with the Voll’s Test, Homeopathy, and Natural Medicines – 238 Clinical Cases with Comments (Argus Publishing, 2017 in Bulgarian language), the described cases of infestation with Giardia lamblia manifest the consequences of the toxic substances.
This parasite is an example of strong adaptability and robust defense against the responses of the immune system of the host. Studies in Argentine and the USA have demonstrated that this single-cell organism is capable of the so called antigenic variation thus managing to resist all the attacks of the immune system of the host.

Giardia lamblia treatment
Conventional medicine proves the presence of Giardia lamblia primarily by studying microscopic samples of feces and oval cysts. Yet, past a certain age in childhood, no testing for parasites is practiced. When was the last time your were referred to or tested for this?!
Other testing methods include CDC analysis and ELISA – (Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay), but all too often the diagnosis is missed or delayed. Treatment methods are in terms of azoles, Metronidazole being the drug of choice followed by Nitromidazole, Tinidazole, etc. In case of resistance, Nitazixanide, Basitracin Zinc, Furazolidone and Paramomycin are resorted to.
The alternative herbal treatment of Giardiasis (Lambliasis) with the product Para-7® is easy and with no side effects. Para-7® works not only against the parasites and their cysts but also successfully eliminates all the toxic legacy of Giardia lamblia.
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