We are continuing with the next article on the topic – Parasites in the Human Body, Temperate Climate – Part 2.
Roundworms, called also Nematodes (Nematoda)
The second type encompasses the roundworms, called also Nematodes (Nematoda).
Roundworms, or nematodes, are the main cause for gastro-intestinal parasitic infections.
They affect around 50% of the world population especially where climate is warm and sanitation is poor.
The parasitic nematodes are not considered a major health issue in the countries with moderate climate and developed health services. This is a huge misconception. Without a legitimate cause, no efforts to detect these parasites are usually made, hence they often stay undiagnosed and untreated. Our practice shows that even in very affluent countries, people with quite high standards of living may frequently have such parasites and no one really ever suspects this.
The second misconception is that parasitic nematodes cause primarily gastro-intestinal problems. Our experience demonstrates that, in addition to damages of the small and the large intestines or irritation and/or inflammation due to nematodes, patients also suffer from: immune, hepatic and gall bladder disorders or dysfunctions, disorders or dysfunctions of the spleen, pancreas, genitals, cardio-vascular system, lungs, skin, kidneys, and joints.
All this comes to show how seriously pathogenic roundworms are and how profoundly they damage the immune system of humans. Among children, we have established that a child that has parasites cannot be entirely healthy. Parents would bring the child in with complaints of persisting rhinitis, coughing, sleep disturbances, suboptimal cognitive functions, inability to concentrate, nervousness, fits of temper… While the reality is that the child is simply affected by parasites left for far too long untreated.
Standard treatment of parasites living in the Human body
The World Health Organization recommends the following products against nematodes: Albendazole, Mebendazole, Levamisole, Pyrautel; in some countries Ivermectin, a famous antihelminthic product for veterinary use, is also authorized for humans. These products are not to be administered to pregnant women. Further, our practice has demonstrated that none of those products is fully effective against each of the parasites in question.
The pharmaceutical industry still deeply owes society in terms of formulating new antiparasite drugs. They are not gainful for the business as they are not drugs one takes for life.
The 2015 Noble Prize for physiology and medicine came as a recognition of the need for new antihelminthic drugs – half of the award went to William Campbell and Satoshi Omura for the new antiparasite drug Avermectin and its derivative Ivermectin, especially effective against the parasite-caused disease filariasis(elephantiasis). The other half of the Nobel Prize was awarded to the Chinese doctor Youyou Tu for the formulation of the antimalarial plant-based drug Artemizinin.
Flatworms – Trematodes and Cestodes
The third type of parasites affecting humans is the group of flatworms – Trematodes and Cestodes.
Flatworms (flukes) fall into two groups:
- Trematodes (Trematoda)
- Flatworms (Cestoda)
Trematodes are invariably parasitic and have two hosts: mollusks and vertebrates. Most trematodes are hermaphrodites, but some reproduce sexually (Schistosoma). They look like aliens. Almost all of them are large enough to be seen with the naked eye. They have a body with no discernible head and sport various ways of feeding off the host.
The life cycle of trematodes is quite intricate: larvae (miracidium) come out of eggs; the first host, the snail, sees the worm through two stages (sporocyst and cercaria); the second host, the vertebrate, takes over for the last two stages: the metacercaria and the mature stage.
The most commonly seen genuses of trematodes in humans are the following:
Schistosoma (Bilharzia),
and Fasciolopsis.
The majority of those are typical for the tropical areas, yet today, with the massive flows of commodities, climatic change, and mobility around the world, these parasitic diseases are to be found everywhere.
Trematodes fall into two groups:
- Tissue flukes: in the liver and gall ducts; in the lungs
- Blood flukes.
Tapeworms live in the intestines of vertebrates, including humans. In the front part they have a head (scolex) with hooks and suckers. The body consists of segments (proglottids) that are produced in the anterior, after the scolex, throughout the lifetime of the parasite.
The most widely known types of tapeworms are:
- Taenia solium – in swine.
- Taenia saginata – in cows.
- Diphylobotrium – in fish.
All of those live in humans too. They can live for as long as 10 years in the human body, and according to research of Mayo Clinic – over 30 years too! Usually they are in the intestines but some may lodge in other organs. This can happen upon ingestion of eggs. They migrate out of the gastro-intestinal tract and form larva cysts in tissues. Upon intake of larvae with uncooked meat, the larvae develop in the intestines.
Flatworms are hermaphrodites, but by means of mating gene hybridization takes place.
The symptoms of flatworms in the gastro-intestinal tract are: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, weakness, weight loss. Symptoms of invasive infection include: fever, swellings or cysts, allergic reactions, neurological symptoms including seizures. Quite often parasites can stay in humans for a long time without any symptoms, weakening the organism and impairing the quality of life and life expectancy.
Conventional medicine employs СТ scanning, MRI, ultrasound, and X-rays as diagnosing tools, the treatment of choice usually being Prazoquantel, Albendazole.
Parasites type rope worm or Human Funis Vermis
The fourth and last group of parasites affecting humans is the Human Funis Vermis or the rope worm.
Here we are about to embark upon unchartered grounds for science, still not officially recognized. We are talking about an intestinal disorder where substantial amount of thick mucus is discharged from the anus of the patient. It is believed that the condition is caused by parasites, the most likely culprit being the Human Funis Vermis, known as the rope worm.
he first official reports came in 2006 from Dr. Nikolay Gubarev et al. (Life on the Edge: The Coming Age of Quantum Biology, by Jim Al-Khalili and Johnjoe McFadden). Upon flushing the large intestine of a patient with salted milk, soda bicarbonate solution, eucalyptus and freshly squeezed lemon juice, excretion of jelly-like substance with occasional lumps of different shapes and entwined mass was reported. According to the description, these findings are irregular in shape, resembling entwined rope, with suckers on the front head-like part as well as along the length of the body. A typical feature is the presence of multiple alimentary canals, instead of just one, 50-150 mkm wide. According to the reports, there are spherical pearl-like little bodies, with a diameter of 35-40 mkm, deep in the tunnels. Those ropes are white to brown in color and with a specific smell after rinsing. The parasite can be up to one meter in length.
Our expererience
From our personal experience with these parasites, that can be found in Bulgaria too, we can conclude that the Human Funis Vermis phenomenon most probably is related to the protozoic parasite group. It is likely that this is associated with a parasite from the Mycetozoa subgroup (slime moulds). They can live separately, as unicellular organisms; at one point they agglomerate into a jelly-like body able to move and to form sporocysts that can give rise to more motile protozoa. Protozoic sporocysts concentrate most in the spleen and the liver of humans.
This jelly-like matter damages the body by means of the toxins it releases. Most affected are the immune and lymphatic systems, as well as the central nervous system.
The Mycetozoa subgroup is a subject of scientific interest in microbiology as vectors providing a symbiotic environment for the existence of different other microorganisms such as Legionella pneumonia, Mycobacterium and Francisella tularensis. According to the information, these protozoa are intolerant towards alkalization and strong ionic concentration. This is consistent with the views of Professor G. Enderlein on parasitic fungal colonies in human blood that start their life as a miniscule mish, or spore, cyst. Should the equilibrium of the environment be disrupted and the blood become more acidic, this primary source propagates in blood into much larger formations.
In order to shed even more light on the issue we also would refer to the research by prof. M. H. Sarahchuk from Kiev. He believes that one similar type of mycetozoa found in nature, Lycogala epidendrum (wolf’s milk), disseminates spores that, upon landing a human, develop into plasmodia. Those, in symbiosis with various viruses, cause chronic conditions such as psoriasis, allergies, polyarthritis, and cancer.
Our treatment
The tincture Para-7® fights almost all of the above parasites and parasite-induced diseases. In combination with Magnesium Detox®, they clean the entire organism, including elimination of residual toxins the body cannot handle on its own.
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