The clinical case with COVID-19 is the newest and the latest one in Dr. Grigorova’s new book – “
239 Clinical Case Studies of Electro Acupuncture by Voll (EAV), Homeopathic and Natural Remedies: Volume 1. Theory of the Method. Detecting and Treating Viruses“. You can buy the book directly here.
Mrs. R.S. (47) was a student of mine who already used to work with Voll machine when she completed my 3-levels course in Voll testing. She was a nurse, a clinically healthy and very energetic woman. In March 2020, she phoned me very frightened. She has tested by Voll machine herself, her husband and their 2 children, and found that they were all positive for the SARS CoV-2 virus.
She asked me to see her in my office to check her results and to find a proper remedy for the virus. I was ready for such a moment. I knew that earlier or later an infected with the new virus patient will come in my consulting room. I worked with a mask, gloves and plastic glasses. I had 2 types of testers for the virus SARS CoV-2:
- Tester COVID-19 9CH, prepared by Dr. L. Mladenov, by electronic potentization of a blood probe from a patient, positive for SARS-COV-2, after laboratory PCR test.
- Tester COVID-19 (F), prepared by Z. Kolev, based on the virus causing COVID-19 vibrational spectra.
The patient has the following symptoms: difficulty breathing with pain and heaviness in the chest, pains in the throat, muscles and bones. She mentioned some change in her taste. Her previous day temperature was high, 38.6º C.
Voll test readings
Tester COVID-19 9 CH (+) positive, Tester COVID-19 (F) (+) positive.
Most meridian points had high readings, 80-90, but the immune system was in the norm, 40-60, as if it did not react. The most important organs were badly affected: lymphatic system (Ly), lungs (P/LU), circulation (MC/CI), liver (F/LV), pancreas (RP/SP right), spleen (RP/SP left), gallbladder (VB/GB), kidney (R/KI), urinary bladder (V/UB), nervous system (Nd/NE), hormonal system (TR/TW) and stomach (E/ST left). The parenchymal degeneration and cellular metabolism meridian readings (Pd/OR) startled me because they were very high. In addition to the immune system meridian (Al), normal readings had only the colon (GI)/LI), small intestine (IG/SI) and genitals (V7, V8/ UB7, UB8).
N-(Al, GI, IG, V7, V8)-N
Prescription for clinical case with COVID-19
Rp/ Granules mix AV-20:
- Nosode COVID-19 9 CH
- Mercury mix 30 CH
- Nosodes HIV-1 and HIV-2
- PC-1
- Cuprum met 100 CH
- Lymphomyosot 30 CH
- Alfa-Interferon 6 CH
- Gamma-Globulin 6 CH
- Acid-ascorb. 100 CH
- Vit. C 500 mg (2 X 1 tablet)
- Co Q-10 30 mg (2 X 1 caps.)
- Pau d’Arco (2 X 1 caps.)
- Vit. D-3 400 mg (2 X 1caps.)
- Selene 100 mkg (x 1 tablet)
- Zinc 22 mg (X 1 tablet)
A solution with 1 granule from the AV-20 remedy in 50 ml of distilled water and 6 drops of ethanol 95% is to be prepared. (Take 5 times daily x 6 drops in mineral water.)
At that time, Bulgaria was in a state of emergency because of the COVID-19 epidemic and I stopped working due to the rules that everybody who had been in contact with a person, positive for COVID-19, had to be quarantined for 14 days. My colleagues and I distributed a big number of envelopes with the COVID-19 9CH testers and the remedy AV-20 to my Voll method colleagues in the country. I announced the composition of AV-20 in Bulgarian on the Internet ( I also reported the case and remedy to the National Operational Headquarters for COVID-19.
The patient R.S. used her Voll machine to test herself at home daily during a period of 24 days. She reported the results to me every day. At the 21st day of the treatment with AV-20 all her meridians were normal. She took the remedy and the antioxidants regularly; she didn’t take any other medicine. She was very well and she looked after her family. They were cured too.
The results of 24 consecutive days of Voll tests (with the exception of day 2 and 3) are presented in the series of graphics from Fig. 3 below:
Voll test measurements results
Comment on the clinical case with COVID-19
First, we can see that the Voll testing gives almost instantaneous diagnosis, in 1-2 minutes. Furthermore, the test shows the affected organs and systems in the body. I was surprised by the immune system (Al) behavior: For days it had not reacted, despite the obvious insult on many organs. At the fourth day of the treatment with AV-20 the Immune system’s reading increased to 74, which was good but not perfect. This reminded me about the HIV patients and my experience in Africa. I tested the nosodes for HIV and they worked. Peter Chappell’s remedy, PC-1, he used to cure AIDS in Africa worked too. As we show in Chapter 2 it works for many other viruses such as Adenoviruses, EBV, HBV, HEV and HPV. It has proved now to be useful for SARS-CoV-2 too.
The following days showed a remarkable ability for recovery by the defense organism’s systems: Immune (Al), Lymphatic (Ly) and Spleen (RP/SP left). Fig. 3 shows that their aggravation lasted up to the 16th day of the treatment.
The very high parenchymal degeneration and cellular metabolism meridian readings (Pd/OR) at the onset reveal a serious parenchyma organs degeneration. However, they mean something more. I knew, from my clinical experience, that in blood illness cases with blood components damages (on the red or white blood cells or thrombocytes), the Pd/OR readings were always high. Obviously, the SARS-CoV-2 virus is a very dangerous pathogen for the human blood and hematopoiesis. The erythrocytes destruction leads to lack of oxygen in the organs, the white blood cells damage – to immune response blockage and the thrombocytes damage – to microembolism and hemorrhages. The virus affected very important organs such as liver (F/LV), lungs (P/LU), pancreas (RP/SP right) and kidneys (R/KI) from the start and their recovery was difficult. Fig. 3 shows their aggravation lasting up to the 15th day.
All viruses have affinity to the nerve tissue. The COVID-19 virus is no exception. The patient R. S. complained with very bad headache, so I started testing the nervous system meridian (Nd/NE) at the 4th day of the treatment, 6 points connected with the spinal cord nerves and 2 points – with the central nervous system. All of them were out of norm. The improvement came gradually and at the 19th day of the AV-20 use the nervous system was normal.
I had testers for the old strains of Corona virus (from 2003 and 2013). The Voll test showed that they were not resonant to the SARS CoV-2 virus; the new Corona virus strain is very different.
We are all worried of a possible new wave of the COVID-19 infection or some new mutations in the following months and years. Nevertheless, I am reassured that we have a Voll machine in our hands and that the Voll method always allows us to find the proper medicine, even if the pathogen is unknown, based on the pathogen’s spectral resonance with an existing medicinal substance, whether herbal, homeopathic or allopathic.
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